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Motivation and endurance

This week, a loss of 3.8 pounds leaves me with just 2.4 to go ..... 225.6 gone!!! And once again, it remains *personal* to get rid of those 2.4 pounds!!! They will. get. gone. And soon!!!

This week's topic is on motivation -- remembering the motivation that got us through the door. Finding the motivation that keeps us going. Thinking of what we need to do to get ourselves to our goals (weight and otherwise). The funny thing is, I was just considering motivation and endurance at lunch today as I was walking in the nice warm(!) Carolina midday sun.

My initial motivation hinged on three things: (1) needing to get in better health, and knowing my doc had recommended WW above all else; (2) seeing a horrendous picture of me and thinking, "My God do I really look that bad?"; and (3) realizing that as independent as I am, this was one battle I could not fight alone. Fighting it alone had gotten me into this pickle. I would have to swallow my pride and rely on others for assistance. I needed better structure.

So with all that in mind, what keeps me motivated? (1) Staying in good health. And I know there's always room for improvement; (2) Seeing the new pictures of me -- many where I do not recognize myself at first, and I always wonder who that girl is....; (3) Relying on the support and friendships I have found through WW -- amazing how that all worked out; (4) Knowing I have less than 5 pounds to go to hit my goal..... you better believe that right there keeps me extremely motivated! and (5) Realizing that at last, my life's mission statement is probably best fulfilled through this process.

What's that, you ask? Years ago, I worked on a special HR project for my employer. As part of the learning curve for this project, I got a copy of What Color Is Your Parachute? In it, readers are asked to create a personal mission statement for their life. Now, I was in my early 20s, and mine ended up being something vague, along the lines of "My mission in life is to help others, no matter what I am doing." (Told you - vague!) Well, heck, I hadn't really experienced enough of life to truly know myself at that point.

Except, it ended up being more prophetic than I ever imagined. That really is what I have ended up doing throughout my career and in my life so far. And I just have a feeling that in this field of self-improvement -- if nowhere else -- I have the possibility to really live that statement. Please note: I'm not trying to toot my own horn, or say "Oh, I am SO special, look at me!!!"

And I could not have made it so far without endurance. Endurance is the quality that says, "I Will." I will do this no matter how long it takes, or whatever obstacles come my way. So with both motivation and endurance, success is not only very possible, but very probable.

Find what is driving you. It may be what sent you running for better health in the first place, or it could be a different motivator. Combine with a generous portion of endurance. Cook until done!


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