I did it. Stepped up on the scale this morning and took my medicine. It wasn't as bad as it was yesterday morning. In fact, it was down 4 pounds from there..... still up four from last week (I think; I've actually lost track). So that tells me (a) there has got to be some water/fluid retention involved .... especially after having an MLD session yesterday and (b) I'm starting to see daylight.
My coworker/meeting leader did not want to write down the number on my employee weight slip. I told her to please do so anyway. The number doesn't lie. There was no excuse. No matter how bad the water retention was, I had still slipped.
And now I am picking myself up, dusting myself off, and starting all over again.
I know just what to do, and I know full well that it will take a couple of weeks to get back to normal. Heck, I want to get back to where I was before the recent "normal." And I can do it.
I have faith. I have faith that if I follow the plan as I should, I will succeed. I have faith in my ability to make good choices. I have faith in my capabilities to plan, to work hard, to succeed. I have faith that success breeds more success. That as I think, so I am.
I know I can succeed, and I know that a gentle discipline is necessary. I also know just how far I've come -- and while I cannot rest on my laurels, I can take great pride in all that I have done in 5 years.
And I know I am blessed to finally see daylight.