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Showing posts from December, 2012

Hanging in and pressing on....

It's been a tough two weeks. I've had a couple of small gains which haven't really added up to much.... except that they are gains --- UGH!!! I tell myself that it is the busy season, and this is true. Between musical events -- 3 different concerts/performances, just as many choir practices, plus our yearly caroling/party -- and being chained to my desk with work (reports, reports, reports, and ... oh yeah, did I mention reports?)..... No excuses, though. I could have done something better, differently, etc. But I'm proud. Last year at this time, I was in the middle of a massive pity party, table of one. And I was definitely bellying up to the bar. For example, at last year's caroling party, I had one of everything. No, really, I mean it. THEN went back for seconds on "favorites" ..... this year, way more picky. It was like, "If I can make it at home, anytime I want, then do I want to eat it here?" Yeah, that put a kibbosh on a peanut butter ...

No holiday death spiral....

At this time last year, I was going through lots of medical tests, and in general having a big ol' pity party, table for one. And it was around this time that I began to succumb to the Holiday Death Spiral. If it was on a table to be consumed, I was going to have some. Yes, I know better. No, I wasn't hungry. No, I really shouldn't have had three of them, but it was just too darn tasty. I only get these around this time of year. I'm so busy I don't have time to hit the gym. It's the holidays - I'll start fresh in January. I had every excuse. And then in January, a serious health scare and my only consolation was food. Yes, I knew better. I was falling into a death spiral 36 years in the making and only recently "conquered." This year, I do not want to fall into that trap again. I do not want to go backward in my progress. I'm havi g enough trouble dealing with some continuing health/medication issues that are playing around with my...