Just a few minutes ago, I was looking at pictures from my journey. Even as far as I have come, it never really ends. I think of the scene in Parenthood (the movie) where Jason Robards looks at Steve Martin and says, "There is no finish line, there is no end zone, there is no touchdown celebration." Sure there are little celebrations all along the way, and there's nothing wrong with setting a goal and reaching it.... in fact, we need to do that! But once we are there, all too often, we think, "Wahoo! We're done."
And we aren't.
But it's okay.
It's a great reminder that we're forever a work in progress, that nothing is ever really complete in our transformation, that there's always opportunity for improvement and for continuing success.
I have a birthday this week. It's a number that doesn't scare me at all.... in fact, I've always rather liked this number, not sure why, but I like it. It sounds good, something about it feels right to my soul. My life has always seemed to have a big change every 7 years, so I am going to expect one to pop up this year (it's that time). And I'm okay with that.
So one of the changes that I can do something about is the continuing re-transformation of myself. I will accept what cannot be changed, change what I can, and continually seek the wisdom to know the difference.
This week's plan: workout, 3 mornings this week. See the cardiologist as planned. And just breathe.