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Showing posts from July, 2009

The news from Lake Weightbegone......

I'm still trying to pull off all the "weight" it says I have put on since reaching Lifetime 2 weeks ago. My leader and I are truly quite stumped. Is it fluid retention? Possibly yet another hormonal issue? Could it be a little of both? One of the keys this week for me is being committed to consistency. It's something I've been doing all along --- part of that dogged determination that got me where I am. But I'm going to redouble my efforts. All I know is that I plan to watch my sodium closely this week, yet keep doing what I'm doing. I'm also going to be just as consistent with my exercise -- and shake it up a bit. There was a great suggestion at for interval training , and I am going to try the Workout #2 each day when I use the exercise bike. Hey, it can't hurt, right? So come next week, I will face my monthly Lifetime weigh-in with courage and confidence!! OOH RAH!!!! I also know this fluke carousel-horse situation has got to end ...

First week of Lifetime.....

Forgive me, friends, for I did sin. Okay, actually, I "celebrated" with a girls weekend in Virginia. One of the girls brought lumpia (I guess the best way to describe it is "Filipino spring roll")..... oh my, was it good. I made some good choices and some bad ones. On two of the three mornings I was there, I walked on base. It was kind of funny -- on Monday, I got to see some of the units doing their PT and they looked at me as if to say, "Hey, how come SHE gets cool exercise clothes and an MP3 play.... oh. She's a civilian!" I put back on some poundage -- and so far, I've gotten about half of it back off. I don't weigh in again until the first week of August.... WHEW! So I'm going to bust my butt off to get back down. I know what to do and how to do it, and I'm well on my way! So what does this mean? It means I'm human. I still am tempted, and I do give in on occasion. Being a Lifetime member doesn't mean that I am suddenly bey...

One Very Sweet Word

LIFETIME!!!!!!!!!!! I did it. I lost 3.2 pounds this week, to not only get back to goal but under it -- WAHOO!!!!!!!!! I worked my butt off on the exercise bike and being extra-vigilant. So that's a total of 229.8 GONE. I have so many people who have helped me along the way: Debbie & Tisha, my leaders; Gail, Eldora, Bev and all the other receptionists who have been with me along the way; all the many fellow members -- especially those who have been part of the Thursday 7:00 PM meeting. I won't name you all because I'll leave someone out and I don't want to do that!!! I have enjoyed the help of so many people. They have inspired me to be better, stronger, wiser, smarter, and to always persevere. I could never, ever, ever, have made it to this point without them. Then there are my coworkers, who were just as vigilant with me to keep me going, and keep me on plan. I love you all and thank you!!! There are all my dear friends across the nation -- WAY too many to name, b...

Just the facts, folks.

Remember about a year or so ago, when New York City began requiring certain types of restaurants to post calorie/nutrition information on the menus so that people could make better choices? Why isn't this a national law yet, requiring all chains (e.g., those with a certain number of locations operating under that brand) to do the same? Right now, there is supposedly a law where restaurants are supposed to provide their nutrition facts to you, the consumer, upon demand. But best of luck, in most cases. In some cases.... well, they have it for the "lite style" menu items, but not for the rest of the menu listing. I'm not talking Mom & Pop restaurants; most of them do not have the financial resources to have their menus analyzed. And I can forgive that. But national or regional chains DO have a little more flexibility in their resources to be able to afford it. Even local chains or little Mom & Pops should be able at least to tell you the ingredients and rough es...

Not again..... good Lord.

As is usually the case when I have an unexpected large loss, I had a gain this week. I detest when that happens. I am at the very upper limit for what WW considers maintaining goal weight (there's a little leeway available), but I want to be under that limit -- preferably at or under goal weight. So my happy butt is going to work extra hard this week to make sure that happens. At least my thyroid test was normal. My heart rate monitor came in and works great. And my new MP3 player arrived today. And my godchild turned 12 today. Good Lord, when did I ever get so old??

The wages of hard work....

is a FIVE-pound loss. OOH RAH!!!!!! I am definitely sticking with the exercise bike for at least 2-3 times per week. I found that I enjoyed the workout, I know I got something out of it and it's something I can do in any weather. Did I sweat? Drenched within the first 5 minutes, most days. Did it feel good? Yeah. Really, it did. I absolutely hated getting sweaty as a child. I just didn't like the sensation. I don't know what it was, but it made me feel icky and yucky and ewwwwy. Now, I could care less. Bring it on. I will be out of town this weekend -- I figure I will end up mostly walking for exercise. I might see if my cousin or his wife will join me. I'm scared to ask him -- he's a career Navy guy and he may flat wipe the road up with me!!! I haven't seen my cousin in about 5 years, so I am thrilled to be visiting them. I'm also looking forward to the fresh fish from the lake.... Mmmm, broiled or grilled fish with a little lemon pepper..... SLURP! Hopefu...

Kicking my butt a million ways -- all good ones!

So, last week, my leader and I agreed that I would do less all-walking this week and try the exercise bike 3-4 days this week. And I have done just that -- at least 25 minutes at a time, most of the time, 30 minutes. I can attest to a few things: 1. The bike makes me break out sweating much sooner and for much longer. 2. My stamina is getting better with the bike -- I'm not totally dying after the first few minutes. 3. It is helping take the weight back off! I did just a little self-check this morning, and I was back down very close to goal...... WHEW!!!! Let's just hope that holds out until the official weigh-in in about 21 hours. I did 30 minutes tonight to a good mix of tunes (started with "Humans Being" and ended about halfway through "Life Is a Rock") and really enjoyed myself. I can see me keeping this in the exercise rotation........... I'm still walking in the early mornings, but just a mile -- long enough for Maddox to get his time in, and just ...