This is yet another week when exercise simply hasn't happened. It's all on me, and I admit it. I could have stopped by the gym on Wednesday night -- in fact, had the bag in the car -- but I was just too tired, and I mean truly tired. As in, head was bobbing at my desk, and all I wanted to do was get home and rest. I do not rest enough. I know this. I don't know how to fit it into my day, short of taking sleeping pills to knock myself out at 9:30 and trying to rewire my body to actually fall asleep before 11:00 (good luck breaking a lifetime of being an late-evening owl). Getting up later than 5:00 AM isn't an option for getting to work on time; and I'll be danged if I get up any earlier than 5:00 to fit in a workout. Like I said, I don't sleep enough as it is. So with that in mind, I am 90% there at letting my current gym membership go, and finding a gym or workout closer to work. I figure at the least, I can try to get it in on my lunch hour (if it's close ...