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Kind of cool....

I had a VERY slight gain this week -- 0.2 pounds. For me, that's maintenance. There are weeks like that, and you just keep plowing on.

On the positive, I got a lot of compliments this week from many different sources. One night, I was walking Maddox and ran into someone from high school. He was a year ahead of me, dated one of my classmates, and later married someone I worked with. After the "Hey how are you?" (during which I was walking beside a parked vehicle), he said, "Whoa! Have you lost a ton of weight!" (and he's right ... it seems like I have). Then the next night at WW, one of the people who isn't part of our regular meeting could hardly believe my totals. Luckily, I had a before picture I could show to prove it! And then Friday night, my brother told me about a friend of his that said, "Yeah, I saw Annette walking the dog. Man, has she lost weight!" (and the weird thing is, I might have met this person once, and I don't remember that).

So I'm hardly disappointed by a minute gain. That's just fuel for the fire.


Unknown said…
I am so inspired and amazed by what you've accomplished so far, and all the things I know you'll do to make your ultimate goal a reality.
Seraphim9 said…
I'm looking forward to seeing less of you this weekend! LOL!

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